(win a gift bag of goodies from Carol’s Daughter)

Hello Nailaholics,
I plan to attend this event so please come and join me at The Back Room for Manicures and Mojitos For those who do not know Carol’s Daughter this is a chance to check out all of their great products because The Back Room Hand and Foot Spa is in the back of their flagship store. After you finish testing, smelling and trying out some of their lotions and scrubs you can go in The Back Room and relax by having a manicure or pedicure using their own brand of products. Now that is a way to really promote your business. Genius!

Here is your chance to win!!
I am giving away a gift of goodies, compliments of “Carol’s Daughter”. The first person to email me with the answer to the following questions will win the gift box of goodies. đŸ™‚
Question 1- What are some of the key points that make a great manicure?
Question 2- What are 6 nail polish brands that I talked about or listed?
Good Luck!

Congratulations to all The Back Room Ladies and The Spa Director Ms. Sanchez…See you on Monday!! This will be …”Perfection is Possible”


Meet Ginger  + Liz colour collection
Founded by model/author S. Liz Pickett and H Ginger Johnson
Picking up steam, this colour brand is organic and toxin free. At $12 a bottle I hear it is worth ever penny. The names alone is why I want to try them all. With names like “Swagger”, “Put a Ring on it”, “New Money” and “He’s So into Me” makes this a really cool and upbeat brand. The colors are vibrant and colorful and can be found at Bendel’s in NY, The Polish Bar in Brooklyn, D.C. and Atlanta. Check them out and show the ladies some polish love. http://www.gingerandliz.com/
On the way to my hands then yours. đŸ™‚
-“Perfection is Possible” 